
Fire emblem echoes dracoshield
Fire emblem echoes dracoshield

fire emblem echoes dracoshield

  • Badass in Distress: When his army is trapped and assaulted by dragon zombies.
  • He was left with Mycen as part of a plan between the two to free humanity from Mila and Doma's influence. Unbeknownst to him, his real name is Alpine Alm Rudolf, and he is actually the son of Rigel's King Rudolf. After Dozeh kills the King of Sofia, Alm ends up joining the resistance in Mycen's place and eventually ends up as their leader, leading them against Desaix and later the army of Rigel.
  • 7 Characters exclusive to Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of ValentiaĪ youth raised in Ram Village by the legendary Zofian general Mycen alongside Celica.
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    fire emblem echoes dracoshield

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    #Fire emblem echoes dracoshield manual#

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    Fire emblem echoes dracoshield